Hand sanitizers and moisturizers for damaged skin

Have you noticed that spending time in cold weather dries your skin? The same phenomenon occurs when you wash your hands. Hand washing is the best way to prevent infections and the spread of viruses. However, since soap and water aren’t always readily accessible, a common alternative is hand sanitizer, which strips even more moisture from your skin.

As a result, the hand microbiome is damaged a little more each day, causing the skin barrier to deteriorate. In addition to feeling dry, the skin on your hands may crack or itch. That’s why it’s essential to moisturize on a regular basis. Here are a few hand care products we recommend for treating damaged skin while staying healthy this winter.

Hand sanitizers and moisturizers for damaged skin

Choosing hand sanitizers and moisturizers

The disinfectant action of an antibacterial hand sanitizer is crucial in the current context of the pandemic. It’s become second nature to use hand sanitizer throughout the day to ensure good hand hygiene and prevent the spread of viruses. But this new habit can be damaging to your hands. Fortunately, there are a number of options that allow you to take care of both your skin and your overall health. Many products on the market are available in a convenient travel size, so you can keep them on hand at the grocery store, in the car, at work, etc.


La Roche-Posay Purifying Hand Gel

La Roche-Posay’s antibacterial hand-sanitizing gel is fragrance-free and eliminates bacteria and germs. It also comes in a spray.

1)	La Roche-Posay Purifying Hand Gel


Lotus Aroma Antibacterial and Antiseptic Hand Gel or Hand Spray Sanitizer

Lotus Aroma’s hand gel and spray sanitizers are 100% natural and contain organic aloe vera to keep your hands moisturized.

Lotus Aroma Antibacterial and Antiseptic Hand Gel or Hand Spray Sanitizer


Bleu Lavande hand sanitizers

You’ll also love Bleu Lavande hand sanitizers, made with a moisturizing blend of certified true lavender essential oil and aloe leaf extract.

Bleu Lavande hand sanitizers

Moisturize your skin to create an effective protective barrier

Disinfecting your hands with a hydroalcoholic hand sanitizer is now part of your daily routine. But as you protect your health, remember to protect your skin as well! In addition to a hydroalcoholic disinfectant, make sure you always have a good moisturizer on hand. Pick up a large bottle to keep at home and a more portable tube that you can slip into your beauty kit, handbag, glove box, etc.

There’s no shortage of hand creams for dry and damaged skin. The key is to choose the best product for your skin type:


Zorah Aya Nourishing Hand Cream

Choose local products like this Zorah hand cream. Made with argan and baobab oils, it has softening and strengthening properties that help repair, protect, and nourish dry skin.

Zorah Aya Nourishing Hand Cream


Chanv Hand Cream

Made by the Quebec company Chanv, this hand cream contains 100% natural ingredients. It stimulates blood circulation and helps soothe dry, chapped skin.

Chanv Hand Cream


Karine Joncas 4-in-1 Hand Cream with Collagen

Karine Joncas has created an ultra-repairing, fragrance-free, 4-in-1 formula that provides long-lasting (24-hour!) hydration. Plus, 96% of the ingredients are of natural origin.

Karine Joncas 4-in-1 Hand Cream with Collagen

Consult a cosmetician

You’ll also find a wide selection of Quebec-based cosmetic brands and beauty products made from natural ingredients in our stores. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask our beauty experts for advice. They’ll examine your skin and recommend the best hand sanitizer and moisturizer for your needs and budget—free of charge!

You can also consult our flyer for discounts on skincare products.

Check out the link below for more beauty and wellness articles related to winter ailments and dry skin:

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