6 ways to deal with menopause daily

Along with puberty and pregnancy, menopause is one of the major turning points in a woman’s life. Marking the end of fertility, menopause causes many distressing changes.

6 ways to deal with menopause daily

Here are some tips to help you enjoy this new chapter of your life.


Eat healthy

Adopting a balanced and varied diet remains a prerequisite for living well during these years. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. Limit your intake of saturated fats, trans fats, and sugar. In addition, foods that are rich in dietary fiber, zinc and magnesium have a positive influence as well. Make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet, and, if necessary, take supplements. Ask your pharmacist if you have any doubt.



Doing moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day will help protect you against many diseases associated with aging, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Note that three 10-minute periods during the day also provide many benefits. Regular physical exercise is also a great way to reduce stress and maintain a healthy weight. It also helps keeping the body flexible and toned. The most important things are consistency, persistence, and a suitable intensity (being out of breath is not a bad thing).


Stay sexually active

Although there is no conclusive proof of it, some studies suggest that sexually active women experience fewer menopause symptoms than those with little or no sexual life. Unfortunately, menopause sometimes causes vaginal dryness, which creates discomfort during sex. A trick to overcome this problem is to extend foreplay during sexual intercourse in order to optimize natural lubrication. You can also use a personal lubricant if the need arises. Also note that having regular sex increases vaginal lubrication.


Learn to manage stress

Stress can affect your quality of life, and many women experience more, stress during the menopausal transition. Fortunately, there are many effective strategies to reduce stress, including exercise, yoga, tai chi, breathing exercises, visualization, massages, and meditation. Some of these techniques have also proven very helpful in relieving hot flashes.


Consider natural products

Natural products sold specifically to relieve symptoms associated with menopause are readily available. However, data on their effectiveness is inconclusive, so talk to your pharmacist for advice.


See your family doctor

For some postmenopausal women, drug solutions can be useful. If menopausal symptoms are severe and interfere with daily activities, hormone therapy is an option. It is available as tablets, patches or gel. If vaginal dryness is the only symptom, hormonal preparations (creams, vaginal ring, or tablets) can also be prescribed.

Are hot flashes making your life difficult?

Discover 7 ways to relieve hot flashes during menopause >>


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6 ways to deal with menopause daily

Along with puberty and pregnancy, menopause is one of the major turning points in a woman’s life. Marking the end of fertility, menopause causes many distressing changes.
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