Pursing your lips and sucking in your cheeks to make a “fish face” tones your lip muscles.

Take a few seconds to think about your muscles. Which ones come to mind? Probably your biceps or pecs or even your glutes!
We don’t spontaneously think of our jaw muscles, as numerous as they may be! Although we see our jaw every morning in the mirror, we quickly forget about it—but not so much that double chin...
Proud of it or not, your jaw can also be affected by a variety of temporomandibular disorders. And the neck is closely linked to the jaw, like the stem of a plant. Time for some facial exercises!
Here are 5 jaw exercises to help keep your facial muscles toned and avoid any problems:
Objective: Prevent a sagging neck
Lift your chin toward the ceiling while moving your jaw forward. You’ll feel a little tightening under your chin. As your neck extends, the muscles in front relax while the side sternocleidomastoid muscles get a workout. Hold for 5 seconds then repeat the movement 10 times.
Objective: Exercise the muscles that lower the corners of the mouth and tone the chin
Lower the corners of your mouth as if to form a pout or to show a sense of disgust. Don’t be afraid to exaggerate the gesture. If you feel a tightening from chin to nose, you’re doing it right! You’re activating your fine mouth muscles, giving them the strength to attain a more relaxed smile.
Objective: Exercise the muscles that lift the corners of the mouth to combat the droopy sad mouth look
Close your mouth then smile as hard as you can! At the same time, bring your lips as close as possible to your teeth. You’ll feel a tightening at the edge of your lips. It’s a great exercise! Even a fake smile makes you feel instantly good! What better way to feel fitter and younger. Hold the position as intensely as possible for 5 seconds. Then repeat the movement 10 times.
Objective: Exercise the lower lip muscles to make the lower part of your face stronger and plump the lips
Close your mouth and bring your lower lip down until you can see your bottom teeth and feel tension in your chin. Imagine a string pulling each side of your mouth down. Hold the position for 5 seconds then repeat it 10 times.
Objective: Exercise the muscles around your lips to tone them
Exhale completely, sucking your cheeks in to make a fish face and contracting your lip muscles as hard as possible. You should feel a slightly uncomfortable tightening around the lips. Hold the position for 5 seconds then repeat it 10 times.
There you have it! Thanks to these 5 facial muscle-toning jaw exercises, you can bid farewell to your double chin!
Don't hesitate to contact your local pharmacist for any questions.