Halloween is one of the holidays children love most. Candy and fun costumes abound, so much family fun is on tap for both young and old. However, as a parent, it’s essential to always keep in mind certain safety measures to ensure this special family time goes off without a hitch.
Here are some simple tips to spend a safe and happy Halloween as a family!

Picking the right costume
The process of picking just the right costume can be great fun for both you and your child! Shall they go trick or treating as a monster, a princess, a witch? The choices are endless! However, there are some basic guidelines to follow, so your children can fully experience the fancy and fantasy of the evening safely!
- Just say no to masks. Instead, apply hypoallergenic makeup that won’t interfere with your little ones’ vision!
- Be sure to choose non-flammable costumes. Nylon or thick polyester costumes are recommended.
- Dress your little monsters up warmly underneath their costume. There’s nothing worse than getting a post-Halloween cold!
Find the perfect costume. It should be fun but also warm, highly visible and comfortable!

Be savvy about candy
The sorting and sharing of candy is kids’ favourite activity! You too should take an active part in the sorting of the candy, for safety reasons:
- Discard any unpackaged candy.
- Make sure your child's sweets are free of any ingredients to which they (or their friends) are allergic! Chocolate often contains nuts, so be very vigilant.
- And, finally, while your child might not be too happy about it, prevent them from eating any of the candy until they return home and the candy is inspected and sorted.
ALWAYS sort your child’s candy!

Be careful while trick or treating
Everyone remembers the special thrill of going door-to-door to collect sweets! But, given the time of year, trick or treating outings often end under cover of darkness. Therefore, it’s essential to make sure you are visible to everyone and to be attentive to what’s going on around you. More specifically:
- Use white bags to carry candy, and add reflective tape to them for maximum visibility.
- Choose bright and colourful costumes to go trick or treating! What could be cooler than a witch with a fluorescent belt?
- ALWAYS stay in groups! Watch over your children at all times... it's dark, and the streets are crowded.

Fun for older children
While your child is big enough to trick or treat on their own, providing them with some rules and guidelines will give you peace of mind during their absence:
- Make sure they are venturing out in a group of at least 3.
- Set a firm curfew.
- Establish the route they plan to follow together, then be sure to remind your child to avoid unlit or less travelled areas.
That’s it! You’re all set for Halloween!
The whole Brunet team wishes you a Happy Halloween!