If you’ve ever run a marathon, you know that physical and mental preparation are essential before the race. But what happens after you cross the finish line is just as important. With this in mind, the professionals at Brunet share their tips to help you recover after a marathon.

Even if you might be tempted to start training again almost immediately after a race, take a few days to rest your muscles, tendons, and joints. That’s because you might get hurt if you start working out too quickly. You should fully rest for at least one week. During this time, make sure to get enough sleep – at least seven hours a night.
After a well-deserved break, you can start lightly exercising by swimming or biking for instance. You can also go for short jogs but avoid exhausting yourself.
Four or five weeks later, but only if you feel like you’ve fully recovered, you can start preparing for your next challenge. Set realistic goals in line with your physical condition and experience. Not sure if you’re ready? Ask a Brunet-affiliated pharmacist for tips and recommendations.
Eat well and hydrate properly
Your body loses a lot of water during a marathon. Thirty minutes after the race, drink at least 500 mL of water and drink another two to three litres within the next four hours. Keep drinking enough water over the next three days.
Food is also essential to helping your body recover. Shortly after the race, eat a small snack to avoid becoming nauseated. In the days following the marathon, only eat healthy items that are high in carbs, protein, and antioxidants. Eat lots of the following:
- Nuts
- Fruit
- Tofu
- White meat
- Fish
Consult with your pharmacist or a health care professional
Marathon runners aren’t immune to muscle and joint injuries. Check with your Brunet-affiliated pharmacist or a health care professional if you experience soreness, tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, or muscle spasms.
Your Brunet-affiliated pharmacist will be able to answer your questions and could recommend some products to help you recover more quickly. You might even benefit from specialized orthopedic services in case of a musculoskeletal injury.
Obviously, if you get hurt during the race, ask a health care professional before you begin training again. Keep in mind that improperly treated injuries can come back to haunt you.
Happy racing… and recovering!