Most moms know that having a newborn changes everything. At first, it can be quite a surprise. You never know quite how much your life will change when you have a child, but once you have a couple kids and another one is on the way, you know exactly what to expect. Here are a few simple and FEASIBLE tips and tricks that can help you avoid a pattern of stress.

Always keep a book on hand
I suggest you always keep a book near where you feed your baby. Because once they’re asleep in your arms, it might seem like a challenge straight out of Mission Impossible to get up without disturbing them. You might just want to relax with your kid so get your book out and you’ll see how reading even for only a few minutes a day will do you immense good. Instead of staring at the TV or your phone, you’ll be able to take a few minutes away from screens. You might even discover a few literary gems while keeping an eye on your little one who is already growing up too fast!

Put some relaxing music on. Keep in mind there are two reasons your baby might start crying in the bath: because they’re cold or hungry.
Take a warm bath and relax with your newborn
Nothing feels better than a nice and warm bath! Take the time to have a bath with your baby instead of seeing it as another item on your to-do list! Dim the lights in your bathroom, add some candles for a relaxing atmosphere. It’s relaxing for them too. You can also purchase bubble bath for newborns that won’t irritate their skin! Put some relaxing music on. Keep in mind there are two reasons your baby might start crying in the bath: because they’re cold or hungry. If they do start crying, use a hot washcloth to warm them up or try to feed them in the bath. Prepare a bottle ahead of time or breastfeed directly in your tub. As a bonus, I didn’t need to figure when to schedule their feeding and bath time, everything took place in the water…

Integrate your baby into your favourite activities
Ask yourself what is missing in your life to make you happy? If you need to run, simply put your baby in a stroller during their nap and head out. If you need to get a workout in, ask around to see where you can bring your child. If you want to go to a restaurant, search for a family-friendly café nearby. Focus on small pleasures. Miss having toasts and hot coffee for breakfast? If your kid sleeps in the car, take advantage of this time to sip your hot coffee in the comfort of your vehicle, put your favourite singer on the radio and enjoy every hot sip! If you can’t, visit Pinterest for the best iced coffee recipes and become a coffee pro! Pour your drink into a beautiful glass with a nice straw and instead of missing your old life, appreciate your new one.
Continue to take care of yourself
My better half’s grandmother always gives a gift to a new mom to help her take care of herself. The rule is that they have to spend the money on something for themselves. When it was my turn, I picked Le trio essentiel by Maison Jacynthe. I’ve fallen in love with their products when I started paying attention to my skin. My friend Jean-François is a makeup artist and always reminded me of the importance of staying hydrated, but my skin was the least of my worries when it should not have been. I had no problem purchasing new clothes, but I neglected my skin – and my skin is something I’ll be wearing for the rest of my life! Don’t hesitate to ask cosmeticians for advice about what products are designed for your skin type. As a side note, if you’d like to share your favourite products with me on Facebook, I’d love to know what you use so I can broaden my horizons!
The problem with maternity is that you’re often thinking of the next step, the next easy step, but a few months later when your child has grown you’ll become nostalgic for when they were a baby. Yes, there will always be a to-do list, but I want you to enjoy your first year with your child. They change at an impressive pace from one month to the next. When you’re feeling bored, sitting in that chair, remember that your child will take their first steps in a year and you won’t be able to spend as much time cuddled up together. Enjoy these weeks before they become a walking toddler because you’ll never get this time back. Yes, it’s a major change in your life, but it’s a beautiful one and you’ll be making wonderful memories with your little one…
Geneviève Jetté
An early-childhood educator by profession, Geneviève is an avid blogger, do-it-yourselfer and fan of children’s literature, as well as mother to Louka, Rémi and Léon. Her main challenge lies in improving everyday life by chasing away routine with bold strokes of creativity. Over the last several years, Geneviève has written about family life for various media outlets. Why does she make family and motherhood her focus? Because they form an incredibly fascinating and complex environment that’s basically very simple!